ChampionsMen's AmateurMen - Team St. Simons Super Bowl Tournament - Amateur Division

Supporters of our Champions


1995 Bill Blalock, Don Russell
1994 Wally Adams, Mark Drury
1993 Wally Adams, Mark Drury
1992 Not held
1991 Eddie Causey, Rick Farage
1990 Eddie Causey, Rick Farage
1989 David Dupre, Marion Fowler, C. J. Prezioso, Chuck Green
1988 Bobby Bridges, Bryan Easler
1987 Bob Coleman, Mark Allen
1986 Bill Blalock, Don Russell
1985 Wally Adams, Deleon Rowland
1984 Bob Coleman, Mark Allen
1983 Walt Fugate, Jack Hooks
1982 Gerald Williams, J. R. Wright
1981 Bob Coleman, Walt Fugate

Honored to be endorsed by the Georgia State Golf Association.

“The GSGA applauds the efforts of Joey Kaney to highlight the wonderful accomplishments of so many golfers from around the state through his Mr. Stat website. More importantly, we appreciate Mr. Kaney’s interest and desire to preserve tournament results and records which showcase Georgia’s rich history in the game of golf.” ———-——-Matt Vanderpool - Chief Executive Officer - Georgia State Golf Association

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